Prof. Dr. ir. Clara Mihaela Ionescu is docent at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Dynamical Systems and Control research laboratory. She has 15 years expertise in process control, both in basic and advanced control strategies applied to chemical processes and manufacturing plants. Her know-how varies from fundamental control algorithms to hands on control tuning for non-control-specialised process operators. Her interests are in the pragmatic development of tools from control engineering area to the deployment thereof at the core of the production units. Specific challenges addressed in the past included: variable time delays, plant mismatch, multiple objective optimization in real time (with priorities) and sub-process interaction (train of process subunits). Specific control methodologies include: PID type, robust compensators design, predictive control and automatic tuning based on changes in operating point or product specification. She has an h-index of 22 in Web of Science with about 100 peer reviewed published articles.