
Dr. ir. Maarten Debruyne

Operational Manager

Ghent University
Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Pharmaceutical Engineering & Manufacturing
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Campus Heymans
Ottergemsesteenweg 460
B-9000 Gent, Belgium

+32 9 264 81 18

Maarten earned his Ph.D. from Ghent University in 2023, conducting research on the application of Porous Organic Polymers as new photocatalysts at the Synthesis, Bioresources, and Bioorganic Chemistry (SynBioC) research group. He then pursued postdoctoral research for Circa, focusing on the use of biorenewable chemicals as building blocks for pharmaceutical synthesis. Maarten joined CESPE as Operational Manager. In this role, he coordinates the design, construction, and operation of the CESPE innovation accelerator, further develops the CESPE academy, and expands the project portfolio in collaboration with partnering companies and academics.

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