Valérie Vanhoorne graduated in 2011 with great distinction as a pharmacist (Master of Science in Drug Development) from Ghent University (UGent) and started her PhD under supervision of Prof. Jean-Paul Remon and Prof. Chris Vervaet in the Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Technology (UGent). In 2016, she obtained her PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences studying continuous agglomeration technologies. She continued working in the lab as a postdoctoral researcher focusing on innovative manufacturing processes for oral solid dosage forms. Initially, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher in close collaboration with Janssen Pharmaceutica (Belgium) on the development of predictive empirical models for continuous direct compression and platform formulations for continuous twin screw granulation. Later on, as doctor-assistant, she also worked on patient-tailored dosage forms and performed a research stay at the University of Düsseldorf working on roller compaction. Her current research line will focus on formulation and process development of continuous manufacturing processes and on personalization of dosage forms (via 3D-printing and multi-particulate dosage forms) to meet the needs of specific patient populations.