Join us for insightful sessions featuring lectures by representatives from academia and industry on four key themes:
- Digitalization: Exploring big data, modeling, AI, and beyond.
- Enabling Technologies and Platforms.
- Sustainability: Advancing sustainable practices in the industry.
- Biomanufacturing, including a roundtable discussion on the current state, strengths, and needs of this ecosystem in Belgium.
Additionally, there will be ample networking opportunities with more than 150 participants from over 50 institutes during breaks and a reception with an optional dinner. The preliminary program is added below.
Preliminary Program
09:00 – Registration and Welcome
09:30 – Conference Opening: CESPE Perspectives
10:00 – Theme 1: Digitalization, Big Data, Modelling, and AI
- Perspectives from companies like Cognizant and Elegent on the use of AI in pharmaceutical production.
- CESPE academic experts presenting their applied research.
11:00 – Coffee Break
11:30 – Theme 2: Enabling Technologies and Platforms
- Ajinomoto, Johnson & Johnson, and Secoya shedding light on their trajectories with new platforms such as flow chemistry, high-throughput experimentation, and continuous crystallization.
- CESPE academic experts presenting their applied research.
12:45 – Lunch Break (Optional Speed Networking Session)
14:30 – Theme 3: Sustainability
- Johnson & Johnson elaborating on current sustainability assessment harmonization efforts.
- ID Lab (UGent) touching upon different approaches to make more sustainable AI solutions.
- Circa Group discussing how bio-derived levoglucosenone can be used as a platform for large-scale production of chemical building blocks
15:50 – Coffee Break
16:15 – Theme 4: Biomanufacturing in Belgium
- Local players like SwiftPharma and 272Bio discussing the strengths of their platforms and the challenges in developing biological veterinary therapeutics.
- PwC will present their whitepaper on the biomanufacturing ecosystem in Belgium.
- Panel Discussion: Biomanufacturing landscape stakeholders discussing strengths, unmet needs, roadmapping, and ongoing initiatives.
17:50 – Closing Remarks
18:00 – Reception and Dinner
We sincerely thank PwC Belgium for their generous sponsorship!